
“More important than making money is
figuring out what you want to do with that money”
Patrick Schulte

Financial Planning

In today’s fast paced world, finding time to just breathe and be present can be hard. When we do find time to relax, we usually spend it doing the things we enjoy rather than the things we should be doing.  Having a financial plan gives you space to breath and focus on the things that bring you joy.  Too many of us put financial planning on the back burner until it’s too late. Don’t miss out on the benefits of a controlled and satisfying financial future. Now is the time to focus on getting it right.  Contact us today and let us show you how we can help you secure your financial future!

Financial Management

Over the past 30 years we have helped many people not only to achieve their financial goals but to have fun along the way.  Now is the time to take that first step on your financial journey.  Let us help you experience the joy, relief and confidence that comes from securing your financial future and start having fun!

Investment Advice

You don’t have to be wealthy to invest but you need to invest to grow your wealth. We believe that investing should not be boring and we will help you to reach your goals.

Investment portfolio management services

We take care of the day-to-day mundane responsibility of managing your investment portfolio, leaving you more time to do what you love.


While insurance isn’t the sexiest topic, It’s not something people often consider until it’s too late. Let us show you how to protect yourself, your family and your assets. We will guide you through the maze of products and different types of cover available and help preserve your family’s future.


In many Spanish speaking countries retirement is called “jubalacion.” The word jubalacion (jubilation in English) originally meant making a joyful noise. At Face Up Life we believe that planning for retirement is planning for a time of jubilation, joy and fun! A lot of these things and many more can be low cost but a lot of fun whether you’re alone or as a couple.

List of fun things to do when stop working
Today more than ever you can have fun after you stop work!

  1. Go on a cruise.
  2. Travel to an ancient country.
  3. Start writing a book.
  4. Mentor or coach young people.
  5. Do some volunteer work.
  6. Take a road trip.
  7. Travel interstate staying in b&bs.
  8. Attend the opera or ballet.
  9. Set up a man shed or visit one.
  10. Setup a quilting group or join one.
  11. Visit a zoo or library or museum.

Superannuation and SMSFs

Know where your money is being invested. Every dollar has a job, and we want to help you make sure your dollars are working for you in your superannuation or Self-Managed Super Fund.


There’s no denying that dealing with Centrelink can be an incredibly daunting and frustrating experience. We aim to take the headache out of dealing with Centrelink by helping you to make sense of the Centrelink paperwork maze.

Estate Planning

Estate planning isn’t about waiting around for you to pass on, it’s about making your loved ones have one less headache after you are gone. A solid, comprehensive estate plan means looking ahead for your whole family.

Services for small business owners

Running a small business is no mean feat. We have over 30 years of experience supporting small business owners and partners. We’ll work closely with you to ensure that you can run a viable and successful business into the future and ensure you have the right structure and protection in place to take your business to where you want it to be.

Free eBooks!

Download our available eBooks to learn more about financial planning for you and your family’s future.